Gas Innovation Fund
The Innovation Fund is intended to advance the operation and management of the gas network through innovation and promote an environment of innovation in the gas industry.
Innovation in the Gas Industry
The Gas Innovation Fund is intended to promote and encourage an environment of innovation in the gas industry. Gas Networks Ireland wishes to engage with key stakeholders and the innovation community in order to share knowledge and leverage best practice and share innovation ideas. It is intended that the Gas Innovation Fund will foster creativity, tailor innovation and consider solutions that meet gas industry needs, embedding innovation in the Gas Networks Ireland organisation and the gas industry.
The Gas Innovation Fund:
Following CRU approval, Gas Networks Ireland set up the Gas innovation Fund to support innovation in the gas industry. This Innovation Fund has operated through previous price controls (PC3 and PC4), and is currently continuing under Price Control 5 (PC5).
PC5 Innovation Fund
The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) in its decision paper ‘CRU Decision on the PC5 Regulatory Framework Decision Paper’ set out its decision for the arrangements for the Innovation Fund for the PC5 period. The CRU proposed total innovation funding of €5.3m. This comprised a strategic innovation fund (SIF) pot of €1.5m and a €3.8m innovation pot to fund a network-based innovation fund (NBIF) including project management costs across the two innovation pots (€400k over PC5). The NBIF pot will further best practice innovation projects to advance how the gas network is operated and managed.
The objective of the SIF is to be a research-led allowance, with a proposed collaboration with Taighde Éireann – Research Ireland using a challenge funding approach for €1.2m of the allowance. The remaining funding component of the SIF (€0.3m) is intended to cover co-funded research with other reputable bodies.
The CRU has provided the following objectives for the PC5 innovation fund:
- providing a safe high-quality service for all gas customers;
- a continued focus on efficient spend;
- efficiently facilitating the energy transition with a particular focus on decarbonisation;
- effectively identifying suitable projects for co-funding;
- enhancing the Gas Networks Ireland innovation webpage in order to attract suitable applicants;
- maintaining a safe and resilient gas network; and
- effective dissemination of all research and innovation outcomes.
The CRU has published a decision paper and user guide relating to the implementation of the Price Control 5 (PC5) Regulatory Framework. A detailed explanation of how the innovation aspect of the framework will be implemented is presented in the Price Control 5 Regulatory Framework User Guide.
You can view a list of completed PC4 Innovation Projects here.
The CRU has published an Innovation Reporting Framework and as part of this framework Gas Networks Ireland is required to provide an annual report to the CRU for each gas year of the price control. The annual report outlines the activities of the Gas Innovation Fund for that particular time period.
Please send any questions relating to the Gas Innovation Fund to the following email address: