Innovation Fund Projects


Reference number: 2018-006
Applicant: Fingleton White
Project summary: A blueprint design for large scale transmission connected Centralised Grid Injection facilities which can facilitate the transportation of biomethane compressed in storage tankers to 250 barg.

Click here to view 'CGI Facility for Biomethane FEED Summary'

Reference number: 2020-034
Applicant: CNG Services
Project summary: A study to understand the feasibility of developing a virtual gas pipeline in the North Western region of ROI This pipeline will provide access to gas for non connected grid customers As the project has progressed, participating stakeholders have mutually agreed to widen the scope to also consider the South Western region for the same purpose.

Click here to view 'Northwest Virtual Pipeline Feasibility Study'

Reference number: 2019-001
Applicant: GlasPort Bio
Project summary: GlasPort Bio are developing GasAbate, a novel manure additive to prevent gaseous emissions from stored manure and slurry. Prevention of greenhouse gas (methane, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide) and other gases (ammonia, hydrogen sulphide) shall allow both improved environmental aspects of manure management on farm, but also greater nutrient retention in the slurry for onward processing and use.

Click here to view 'Feedstock enhancing technology Project'

Reference number: 2019-025
Applicant: SKDP
Project summary: The overall objective of this study commissioned by the South Kerry Development Partnership is to assess the feasibility of developing anaerobic digestion (AD) in the region and its ability to meet the energy needs of the region in a sustainable manner while providing economic opportunities for farmers.

Click here to view 'South Kerry AD Feasibility Study'

Reference number: 2020-026
Applicant: CNG Services
Project summary: A feasibility study carried out at Ringsend WWTP to look at the potential of utilising biogas to biomethane for direct injection into the gas grid. Biomethane injected into the gas grid at Ringsend WWTP will increase throughput and drive down the unit cost of gas transportation for all gas customers.

Click here to view 'Ringsend Biogas Feasibility Study'

Reference number: 2018-016
Applicant: XD Consulting
Project summary: A feasibility study into the potential of Anaerobic Digestion on the Dingle peninsula. Assessing the various feed sources available including agricultural and municipal/industrial sources of organic waste. Analysing and comparing a range of technological pathways for AD appropriate to the Dingle peninsula.

Click here to view ' Dingle AD Feasibility Study'

Reference number: 2020-011
Applicant: NVP Energy
Project summary: A report focusing on ‘new’ and diverse sources of substrates not yet utilised in Ireland via anaerobic digestion, solid and wastewater. The report also outlines some key limitations and technology to overcome these gaps in the areas of biogas capture and utilisation methods for isolated, relatively smaller, wastewater treatment plants across Ireland.

Click here to view 'Capture and Utilisation Systems for a stable and diverse biomethane network.'

Reference number: 2019-010
Applicant: UCD
Project summary: Utilising a patented, innovative nano-bubble technology, this UCD/I-Form project endeavoured to demonstrate the potential of this technology in reducing the CAPEX and OPEX of upgrade/purification raw biogas to ~98% methane (i.e. Biomethane) needed for pipeline injection and consumer use as a renewable natural gas. This project accomplished a scale-up to TRL-7 for trials at UCD as well as at a digestateprocessing facility.  The project worked with an industrial collaborator, Aqua-B, for commercially-oriented biogas-upgrade-device scale-up, at the 20 Nm3 /hr level for methane flow – incorporating also low-energy CO2 capture in the form of nano-bubbles by dint of the patented approach.

Click here to view 'Purification of biogas from AD via nano-bubble formation.'

Reference number: 2020-012
Applicant: IRD Duhallow
Project summary: Stakeholders in the IRD Duhallow region include a spectrum of farming operations and agricultural food processing industries.  This feasibility assessment assessed the feedstock potential in the region for Anaerobic Digestion (AD) and ascertained optimum locations for the location of AD facilities to best utilise this potential.  The project included detail mapping analysis and presentation, business case assessment and cost models for optimum plant designs.

Click here to view 'Feasibility study on the deployment of anaerobic digestion in West Cork.'

Reference number: 2020-030
Applicant: Fingleton White
Project summary: The applicant conducted a feasibility study that investigated the viability of anaerobic digestion (AD) in Cavan and Monaghan. The general scope of the study involved analysing feedstock opportunities using data from a variety of sources, whilst engaging farmers, businesses, and local authorities to verify availability. The information was used to optimise plant configurations for suitable feedstock mixtures through modelling and equipment identification, factoring costs, performance, site locations, sustainability requirements, and gas network access. The proposed study’s aim was to stimulate biogas development in Ireland, with the applicant translating the clear potential in Cavan and Monaghan into realistic commercial opportunities. The final report details optimum configurations for AD in the region, providing any interested parties with the necessary information to form a business case for the next stages of development.

Click here to view 'Anaerobic digestion feasibility study for Cavan and Monaghan.'

Reference number: 2020-039
Applicant: IT Sligo
Project summary: The Sligo Region Biogas Supply Feasibility Project (Sligo SEC) investigated the regional availability of sustainable feed stocks and potential anaerobic digestion (AD) plant locations to inform the business case for Irish renewable gas. This study supported the development of biogas as an optimal solution for the fast and deep decarbonisation of multiple sectors of the economy, including heating, transport, and energy. The project analysed the quantities and quality of accessible & sustainable biomass and potential conversion facilities to produce and supply bio-methane in the region. The overall economic and operational feasibility of the project also included for the potential to contribute to the ongoing Sligo Local Gas Network proposal.

Click here to view 'Sligo Region Biogas Supply Feasibility Project.'

Reference number: 2020-015
Applicant: Carbery
Project summary: This project focused on delivering a comprehensive feasibility on the development of anaerobic digestion (AD) in West Cork and to inform a strategic plan to support its deployment. West Cork, with its strong & diverse agricultural economy and food sector, is uniquely positioned to develop AD as part of its transition towards a decarbonised energy system and to become a leader in the Irish rural bio-economy. The objectives of the feasibility study included: 1. To conduct a comprehensive assessment of the biomass resource available in the peninsula to determine their practical potential for biogas and their spatial distribution. 2. To conduct a comparative cost/benefit analysis of technical biogas pathways appropriate for the project, from feedstock to energy end-use, considering their financial viability, as well as environmental, social, and economic impacts. 3. To conduct a preliminary design and a lifecycle cost analysis of anaerobic digestion systems based on the pathways deemed as being most feasible. 4. To develop a roadmap for the deployment of AD in West Cork, based on the feasibility analysis above, defining the key steps to successfully develop a project.

Click here to view 'Feasibility Study on the Deployment of Anaerobic Digestion in West Cork .'


Reference number: 2020-002
Applicant: NUIG
Project summary: This project explored the opportunity to advance ED technology for nutrient recovery from digestate, thereby improving the sustainability of AD systems. Extensive testing across different membranes and cleaning protocols enabled the identification of optimal operational conditions, ensuring the long-term functionality of the ED technology.

Click here to view 'Nutrient (N, P, and K) recovery from digestate using novel electrodialysis .'


Gas In Transport

Reference number: 2020-013
Applicant: Cadent
Project summary: The project follows on from previous studies that modelled the role of green gases in decarbonising the GB economy. The role of this study is to understand the transition from the GB economy today to a decarbonised economy in 2050, focusing on how the transition is achieved and the competing and complementary nature of different low and zero emission fuels and technologies over time.

Click here to view 'The Future Role of Gas in Transport Pathways '

Reference number: 2021-019
Applicant: Element Energy
Project summary: This report is an addendum to the Future role of gas in transport pathways and sets out to identify the key differences for the role of green gases in ROI compared to the original GB-focused report.

Click here to view 'Future Gas in transport Irish Addendum '

Reference number: 2020-018
Applicant: 3CEA
Project summary: The study focused on enhancing the contribution of bioenergy to Ireland’s heat and transport sectors. 3CEA conducted a study to investigate the potential to delivering locally sourced biogas and maximising its impact on the region through heat and transport sectors. The feasibility study was divided into 3 sections: 1. Conduct a resource & market assessment for the South-East Region (Carlow, Kilkenny, Wexford & Waterford), 2. Assess and develop a strategy to support the roll out of CNG infrastructure across the region. 3. Assess the Hydrogen production potential from other RE sources in the Region such as Wind and Solar. The project plan included initiatives for a stable biomass supply, demand-side measure for renewable energy, and support for research and development. The development of indigenous bioenergy in Ireland not only reduces reliance on imported energy and enhances national energy security, but also offers new business prospects throughout the supply chain. This initiative also offers a gateway to employment opportunities by fostering wealth creation and economic growth in Ireland.

Click here to view 'Study on the Resource Assessment and Potential CNG sites in SE Region.'

Home heating

Reference number: 2019-004
Applicant: ESRI
Project summary: This research examines whether changes in occupancy or tenure at residential properties is also associated with decisions on overhauling a property’s heating system. Previous research finds that moving home can serve as a starting point for more sustainable living practices, specifically lower energy consumption.

Click here to view 'Home heating fuel choice, second-hand property '

Reference number: 2020-007
Applicant: RetroKit
Project summary: The projects aim was to develop the knowledge necessary to better assess the prevalence of fuel poverty in social housing and predict more accurately the impact of energy retrofit programmes on fuel poverty. The project leveraged a collaboration between Cork City Council, the Central Statistical Office and RetroKit. This study focused on the Council's housing stock where natural gas is the predominant heating fuel used by tenants. The study was undertaken by building on RetroKit software's data analytics tools, an innovative software platform developed by a West Cork SME to support housing bodies to upscale their energy retrofit capability cost-effectively. While the study had a focus on social housing in Cork city, its findings will be of significance to housing providers and policymakers at national and European level.

Click here to view 'Quantifying the impact of energy retrofit on fuel poverty in social housing'


Reference number: 2021-021
Applicant: Lumcloon
Project summary: This study investigates the potential to inject green hydrogen gas into existing gas network infrastructure as well as the possibility of developing a green hydrogen market in Ireland. Information on the operation of the power and gas networks and the variety of issues that they are currently facing has been included to contextualise and highlight the need for hydrogen generation, injection and storage.

Click here to view 'Feasibility of Hydrogen Generation and Injection into Ireland’s Gas Network'

Reference number: 2021-006
Applicant: NODF CLG
Project summary: The objective of this project was to investigate the feasibility of creating a green hydrogen demonstration hub at Rhode Green Energy Park, integrating energy from renewable electricity with the gas network. The project is part of the Just Transition, creating enterprise and employment in an area affected by closure of peat harvesting and combustion. Project partners were NODF (Community Company), SSE and BNM. The feasibility study created the blue print for a green hydrogen hub, which can be developed quickly at this strategic location. A hub will enable Gas Networks Ireland to gain the essential experience required in the development of hydrogen infrastructure, supply chains, technology, and safe integration into the grid. By advancing towards commercial scale hydrogen blending, the project demonstrated potential to reduce carbon in the gas grid, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve long-term viability of gas.

Click here to view 'Energy Cross Roads Hydrogen Feasibility Study'

Reference number: 2021-020
Applicant: CNG Services Ltd
Project summary:

This report details how the gas network can be leveraged to provide stability on an increasingly volatile electricity grid, through integration with wind energy assets. The study determined the economic and technical feasibility of developing a gas-powered peaking plant supported by liquid H2 storage and generation from excess renewable electricity. The report concluded there are a few scenarios where a hydrogen supported natural gas peaking plant can be made feasible. However, there were some challenges and limitations to be considered:

  • The commercial availability of high percentage of hydrogen feed engines do not match advertisement and literature.
  • Whilst feasible, the costs of using fuel cells are significantly more expensive than using an engine. This solution is only advisable cases where there is no other alternative such as natural gas or if significant amounts of hydrogen are available.
  • Liquification and the storage of liquid hydrogen is considerably more expensive than gaseous hydrogen storage and should only be considered if large amounts of hydrogen storage is needed and to negate large volumes of high-pressure storage.

Click here to view 'Leveraging the Gas Grid to Stabilise Renewable Electricity - Liquid H2/Wind Study'

Reference number: 2021-008
Applicant: Fingleton White
Project summary:

The study focused on the development of a hydrogen network which could support industrial energy users with a supply of 100% hydrogen. The injection of hydrogen within a distribution network was also considered for a 20% by volume hydrogen blend with natural gas. A suitable location on the existing gas network was selected as the focus of the study and centred around large industrial consumers with distribution users close by. A mixture of industrial and domestic users compelled the FEED to address different hydrogen conveyance scenarios that are anticipated with introductory pilot projects. Completion of the FEED clarified the engineering challenges facing GNI and other Irish energy stakeholders with regards to early-stage hydrogen injection in Ireland, and an outline of technical and financial details for a pilot-scale facility were provided.

Click here to view 'Front-End Engineering Design for a Hydrogen Pilot Network'

Reference number: 2019-021
Applicant: Gas Networks Ireland / University College Dublin
Project summary:

The primary goal of this project was to test the feasibility of transporting a natural gas/hydrogen blend with the typical pressures and materials present in the Irish gas network. The outputs of the project included a demonstration to stakeholders of hydrogen blend operability in the Gas Networks Ireland' distribution gas network, a documented safety review and a draft list of industry codes and standards that would require updating to facilitate the introduction of hydrogen blend onto the gas network.

Click here to view Hydrogen Blend Test Facility'

Reference number: 2021-029
Applicant: Ulster University
Project summary:

This project focused on developing a costed collaborative programme of pre-normative research to inform safety guidance for hydrogen-natural gas blends. As part of this, a series of workshops were undertaken to prioritise research needs. This resulted in a collaborative proposal targeting buried leaks and flame stability of hydrogen-methane blends receiving funding.

Click here to view Pre-normative Research on Safety of Gas Networks with Hydrogen Blends

The gas network

Reference number: 2020-035
Applicant: Pentegon
Project summary: This study explores the concept of digital twinning the gas network in Ireland. A Digital Twin has been defined as a virtual representation of the physical asset, enriched with data that is updating the operator on the status and condition of the asset to inform decision making. This study completes a high-level industry review; evaluates organisational maturity and identifies potential use cases and the associated benefits. The report will inform Gas Networks Ireland’s future digital strategy.

Click here to view 'Gas Networks Ireland's Digital Twin Report'.

Reference number: 2018-015
Applicant: IT Sligo
Project summary: A Front End Engineering Design (FEED) and Business Case Analysis (BCA) for a proposed satellite gas network in Sligo Town. The report involves forecasting of potential thermal energy demand, forecasting pipeline route options assessment, decanting facility location assessment, fuel supply options assessment and a financial appraisal of the project.

Click here to view 'Development of a local gas distribution network'

Reference number: 2021-023
Applicant: Gas Networks Ireland
Project summary: The project involved the research and development of novel approaches in carrying out various defect inspection, mapping and monitoring over GNI pipeline infrastructure (Transmission Pipelines and Installations). The aim was to carry out a number R&D tasks producing results and assessments to help devise more efficient mapping and monitoring methodologies and workflows in the following areas:

  1. Use of combined Satellite and Drone sensors to detect and measure vegetation encroachment at selected sites.
  2. Dynamic Methane (CH4) leak detection and measurement, from a Drone platform, over AGIs as well as along RoW to reduce rogue emissions and reducing the risk from undetected leaks.
  3. Use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (Sentinel-1) as well as other Optical Remote Sensing methodologies to gain a better understating of flooding events at selected sites along GNI RoW.
  4. Devising new aerial approaches to inspecting ‘Markers posts’ for defects, damage etc.


Click here to view '4 R&D projects using DroneSatellite technologies to monitor Gas Networks Ireland assets'

Reference number: 2020-003
Applicant: Kaizen Energy
Project summary: This project explored the opportunity to retrofit a gas absorption heat pump into the system to achieve a reduction in operation costs and carbon emissions while improving system efficiency and reliability. The solution required installation of 1) new flow and return header inclusive of mechanical separator, 2) new boiler shunt pumps to accommodate new variable flow setup, 3) heat, gas, and electrical meters to monitor GAHP performance.

Click here to view 'Gas fired heat pump + CHP within a District Heating System'


Innovation Fund Projects

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