Pay As You Go metering

Pay As You Go (PAYG) metering allows customers to purchase their credit at vending outlets.

PAYG metering

Gas customers that have a PAYG meter installed at their premises can purchase credit at vending outlets and apply this credit to their meters. The gas supplier receives payment for the gas once the vend transaction has processed. The PAYG metering system consists of the following main components:

  • The Front Office Provider
  • The Back Office Provider
  • The PAYG Meter

The Front Office Provider is responsible for:

  • Collecting transaction details and sending them to the Back Office Provider
  • Receiving End User Specific Instructions (EUSIs) and regional data and making them available for collection by customers
  • Managing the terminal outlet network
  • Disbursing the funds to the gas suppliers and the suspense account as directed by the Back Office Provider

The Back Office Provider is responsible for:

  • Matching gas suppliers to transactions and sending detailed transaction files to gas suppliers and Gas Networks Ireland
  • Directing the Front Office Provider in disbursing funds to gas suppliers and suspense account
  • Implementing gas supplier and transporter instruction by means of EUSIs and regional data updates
  • Transmission of meter reads and diagnostic information to the transporter.
  • Identifying transactions to be released from suspense based on latest information and informing the Front Office Provider

Market Process Definitions

The functioning of the Pay as You Go Metering System is described in a number of Market Process Documents and these are available on the Gas Market Portal.

If you would like to view these documents they are available in the Retail Market Documentation section of the Gas Market Portal.

If you are a gas supplier and would like access to the Gas Market Portal please email

If you are not a gas supplier but would like access to the Gas Market Portal please email and your request will be considered.

Supplier User Guide – PAYG Metering

Guide available to gas suppliers in relation to the workings of the prepayment functionality for the market.

Customer information on PAYG metering: