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EC 715 Transparency Landing Page

EC 715 Transparency Landing Page

As required by  Regulation (EC) 715/2009 (Incl: Amendments) the Transmission system operator shall make public information on technical, contracted and available capacities on a numerical basis for all relevant points including entry and exit points on a regular and rolling basis and in a user-friendly standardised manner.

Data can be accessed via the menu items on the left.

The standardised data table below references the relevant sections in chapter 3 of Annex 1 in Regulation (EC) 715/2009 and provides links to the relevant published information.

EC 715/2009 Annex 3 - Standardised Table for Gas Networks Ireland

Article ReferenceRequirementComment

a detailed and comprehensive description of the different services offered and their charges;

Code of Operations

Tariffs for use of Transportation System


the different types of transportation contracts available for these services;

Code of Operations

- Part C (Capacity)


the network code and/or the standard conditions outlining the rights and responsibilities of all network users including:

  1. harmonised transportation contracts and other relevant documents;
  2. if relevant for access to the system, for all relevant points as defined in paragraph 3.2 of this Annex, a specification of relevant gas quality parameters, including at least the gross calorific value and the Wobbe index, and the liability or costs of conversion for network users in case gas is outside these specifications;
  3. if relevant for access to the system, for all relevant points information on pressure requirements;
  4. the procedure in the event of an interruption of interruptible capacity, including, where applicable, the timing, extent, and ranking of individual interruptions (for example pro-rata or first-come-last-interrupted);

1. Code of Operations

2. Code of Operations - Part G (Technical)

3. Code of Operations - Part G (Technical)

4. Code of Operations - Part C (Capacity)


the harmonised procedures applied when using the transmission system, including the definition of key terms;

Code of Operations

provisions on capacity allocation, congestion management and anti-hoarding and reutilisation procedures;

Code of Operations - Part C (Capacity), Part  H (Operations)

the rules applicable for capacity trade on the secondary market vis-à- vis the transmission system operator;

Code of Operations - Part C (Capacity)

rules on balancing and methodology for the calculation of imbalance charges;

Code of Operations - Part E (Balancing and Shrinkage)

if applicable, the flexibility and tolerance levels included in transportation and other services without separate charge, as well as any flexibility offered in addition to this and the corresponding charges;

Code of Operations- Part E (Balancing and Shrinkage)

a detailed description of the gas system of the transmission system operator and its relevant points of interconnection as defined in paragraph 3.2 of this Annex as well as the names of the operators of the interconnected systems or facilities;

Code of Operations

the rules applicable for connection to the system operated by the transmission system operator;

Connections Policy

information on emergency mechanisms, as far as it is the responsibility of the transmission system operator, such as measures that can lead to the disconnection of customers groups and other general liability rules that apply to the transmission system operator;

Code of Operations - Part  H (Operations)

Natural Gas Emergency Plan


procedures agreed upon by transmission system operators at interconnection points, of relevance for access of network users to the transmission systems concerned, relating to interoperability of the network, agreed procedures on nomination and matching procedures and other agreed procedures that set out provisions in relation to gas flow allocations and balancing, including the methods used;

Code of Operations - Part D (Nominations, Allocations and NDM Suply Point Reconciliation)

transmission system operators shall publish a detailed and comprehensive description of the methodology and process, including information on the parameters employed and the key assumptions, used to calculate the technical capacity .


Information to be published at all relevant points and the time schedule according to which this information should be published


At all relevant points, transmission system operators shall publish the information as listed in paragraphs (a) to (g), for all services and ancillary services provided (in particular information on blending, ballasting and conversion). This information shall be published on a numerical basis, in hourly or daily periods, equal to the smallest reference period for capacity booking and (re-)nomination and the smallest settlement period for which imbalance charges are calculated. If the smallest reference period is different from a daily period, information as listed in paragraphs (a) to (g) shall be made available also for the daily period. This information and updates shall be published as soon as available to the system operator (‘near real time’).


the technical capacity for flows in both directions;

Data Portal

the total contracted firm and interruptible capacity in both directions;

Data Portal

the nominations and re-nominations in both directions

Data Portal

the available firm and interruptible capacity in both directions

Data Portal

actual physical flows

Data Portal

planned and actual interruption of interruptible capacity

Data Portal
3.4 Information to be published regarding the transmission system and the time schedule according to which this information should be published  
3.4.1 Transmission system operators shall ensure the publication on a daily basis and updated every day the aggregated amounts of capacities offered, and contracted on the secondary market (i.e. sold from one network user to another network user), where the information is available to the TSO. This information shall include the following specifications:  
3.4.1(a) interconnection point where the capacity is sold; Data Portal
3.4.1(b) type of capacity, i.e. entry, exit, firm, interruptible; Data Portal
3.4.1(c) quantity and duration of the capacity usage rights; Data Portal
3.4.1(d) type of sale, e.g. transfer or assignment; Data Portal
3.4.1(e) the total number of trades/transfers; Data Portal
3.4.1(f) any other conditions known to the transmission system operator as mentioned in 3.3