The meter replacement programme

We are currently replacing gas meters over 20 years old with more advanced models. The meter replacement programme will help ensure that we continue to provide customers with an excellent service and maintain a modern network using the next generation of gas meters.

Man and woman in a house kitchen smiling

​No cost to you

There is no charge for the replacement of your gas meter, this will be done with the very least amount of disruption. The work takes no longer than 45 minutes to complete. It will also include additional safety checks carried out free of charge. Gas Networks Ireland connects all gas customers to the network regardless of which natural gas supplier you are with.

To make an appointment for a preferred time for Gas Networks Ireland to replace your gas meter, you can fill out the gas meter replacement appointment request form.

Please note, the Meter Replacement Programme is in place for meters that are 20 years or older. If you have not received any correspondence from us in relation to this, your meter is not eligible to be replaced.

Request appointment time for your gas meter replacement

Pay As You Go Gas Meter Replacement

If the meter you would like to replace is a Pay As You Go meter (i.e. a meter that is topped up with a gas card), please submit your information here instead.

Please note, the Meter Replacement Programme is in place for meters that are 20 years or older. If you have not received any correspondence from us in relation to this, your meter is not eligible to be replaced.

Request appointment time for your Pay As You Go gas meter replacement

Replacing your meter: the easy steps

Step One

You will be contacted in advance to confirm the apointment time you requested for your meter replacement via meter replacement appointment request form. Please check your mailbox as we will confirm your appointment by email. If you need to rearrange your appointment please let us know by calling 1800 427 737.

Step Two

A Gas Networks Ireland representative will come to your property at the appointed time to remove your existing meter and replace it with the new meter. Our staff carry photo ID badges identifying them as working on behalf of Gas Networks Ireland.

Step Three

While we are replacing your existing meter we will need to turn off your gas supply temporarily. Before your gas can be restored, your appliances must pass a safety check. Therefore it is essential that there a responsible adult at the premises to allow us access to your property.

Step Four

Once we have access to the property we will recommission your gas service and ensure that your natural gas appliances are operating in a safe manner.

Step Five

We will also be carrying out a safety inspection (I.S. 813 Annex E). This is an extra service we are providing free of charge to our customers to ensure that the internal pipe work and natural gas appliances are operating in a safe manner. The work takes no longer than 45 minutes to complete. However, if there are any unexpected complications it may take longer. Every effort will be made to ensure that this interruption is kept to a minimum.

What is not included in the meter replacement programme?

Meter relocations

These are not automatically carried out under the Meter Replacement Programme. If you wish to have the meter relocated, a separate request will need to be made to us. A quotation will be issued and payment must be made before work commences.

Repairs of appliances or pipework

If a gas appliance and/or the internal gas supply pipe (on the customer side of the meter) are found to be faulty during the safety inspection, it will be isolated in line with safety procedures. The repair of the appliance and/or pipework is the customer’s responsibility.

Contact us

Please contact us on 1800 427 737 (Monday to Friday 08.00 to 20.00, Saturday 09.00 - 17.30) or email us on For more information read our Meter Replacement Brochure below: