Pay As You Go meter

How to use a Pay As You Go meter and purchase credit in advance.

Issues with your gas meter

If you're experiencing issues with your Pay As You Go gas meter or have no gas supply there are a number of steps you can take. Please refer to our Pay As You Go Meter guide for more information.

Issues with your gas meter

Emergency Credit

Once the credit on the meter drops to a low level you may be offered  ‘Emergency Credit’. This can be borrowed until you can buy some more credit.

When you want to use your Emergency Credit, insert your Gas Card into the meter. When the Emergency Credit is offered, you can accept it by pressing the red Button A.

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You will be offered Emergency credit when you reach the Emergency credit threshold of €10.00. Once you use this Emergency credit, you will need to fully repay all the Emergency credit before the meter will offer Emergency credit again.

A daily Standing Charge is deducted from your credit every day at 2am. This is part of the prepayment meter tariff applied by your Gas Supplier. If you have no credit left on the meter, the daily Standing Charge will be added to the amount shown on the ‘OWED’ screen and will be recovered when credit is inserted. The amount of Standing Charge you pay daily is shown on Screen 17 on your meter. Please note that even when gas is not in use e.g. during the summer months, the standing charge still applies.

Further details can be found on P. 5 of the PAYG User guide

Installing a Pay As You Go meter

At the request of a gas supplier, we can install a Pay As You Go meter, also known as a gas card meter. These meters allow customers to purchase an amount of gas credit on a gas card. The card is inserted into the meter and the credit is then transferred directly from the card to the meter.

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Registering your Pay As You Go Natural Gas Card

You must register your natural gas pay as you go card when you receive a new gas card or you purchase a replacement card at a Payzone outlet BEFORE you buy credit.

Follow these 3 steps to ensure your card works correctly:

  1. Insert your new card into the card slot in the gas card meter and leave it in the meter for at least 15 seconds until the meter displays 0.00 on card.
  2. Remove the gascard and bring it to a Payzone outlet to purchase credit on the card.
  3. When credit has been purchased insert card into meter and follow the information on the screen.

Purchasing credit

Please check the opening times of the Payzone outlets where you can buy credit. Credit cannot be bought over the phone or online. You can contact your Gas Supplier for a list of outlets in your area or log on to Payzone. 

How to find your GPRN on the PAYG Meter:

  1. Without putting the card in, press Red A Button.
  2. After the screen lights up and is displaying the balance, press and hold Red A Button again until you hear a beep.
  3. At this point you can cycle through the different screens by pressing the Red A Button.
  4. When you reach screen 32 the screen will show "Ref" followed by the GPRN number (e.g. Ref 0123456)

Information on Pay As You Go Meters

Our Pay As You Go Meter Guide (PDF) provides information on:

  • Purchasing credit
  • Using your gascard
  • Meter information
  • Emergency credit
  • Standing charge
  • Replacing your gascard
  • Gas card issues.

Pay As You Go meter guide