Media Releases

All the latest news from Gas Networks Ireland

Gas Networks Ireland outlines a Pathway to a Net Zero Carbon Network by 2045

Gas Networks Ireland outlines a Pathway to a Net Zero Carbon Network by 2045

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Cork conviction for Gas Tampering

Gas Networks Ireland has welcomed the verdict in a case relating to unlawful interference with a gas supply at an address in Orchard Court, Blackpool, Cork.

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Storm Agnes safety message from Gas Networks Ireland

As the operator of Ireland’s gas network, Gas Networks Ireland would like to reassure its 720,000 customers that it does not anticipate any disruption to gas supplies during Storm Agnes.

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No disruption to the continuity of gas supplies on the national gas network expected

Gas Networks Ireland is working with GMC to ensure that contingency arrangements are in place to manage any emerging issues on the gas network.

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Overall gas demand fell by 21% while wind energy’s contribution to electricity generation jumped 84% in August compared to last year

In a mild and changeable August, gas demand dropped by 2% on July and fell by 21% when compared to August last year.

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Irish biomethane could replace a quarter of natural gas on the nation’s network

New report finds biomethane could reduce carbon emissions by almost 4M tonnes a year.

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Jedward confirm that they are not breaking up, but urge you not to risk it all

Despite Edward Grimes, one half of Jedward, hinting on the duo’s social media channels that they might be breaking up (#Jexit), fans need not worry as it is all part of a new public safety campaign to highlight the importance of using a Registered Gas Installer (RGI).

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Overall Gas Demand Fell by 20% in July Compared to Last Year

In one of Ireland’s wettest Julys on record, gas demand decreased by 20% compared to July last year, and by 8% when compared to June.

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Gas demand falls 10% month-on-month

Overall Ireland’s demand for gas in June fell by 10% when compared to May, and fell by 9% on the same period last year.

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Shanahan and Lee win Wednesday’s Cork 5km race

Niall Shanahan ran away with an impressive win in the Gas Networks Ireland 5km race in Cork on Wednesday July 19th. Lizzie Lee took top honours in the Women’s division.

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Ireland’s €2.7bn gas network to play a crucial role in Ireland’s renewable hydrogen evolution

Gas Networks Ireland has strongly welcomed the publication of the Government’s National Hydrogen Strategy1 as an important milestone in the decarbonisation of Ireland’s €2.7bn gas network, which is essential in the transition to a net-zero energy system in Ireland by 2050.

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