Compressed Natural Gas refuelling stations

Ireland’s developing Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) refuelling infrastructure

Delivering the CNG station network

Gas Networks Ireland is leading the development of a new, cleaner heavy goods vehicle (HGV) and bus transport network, to support Ireland in achieving its carbon reduction targets and to give Irish fleet operators a cleaner and reliable fuel choice. There are currently eight CNG stations operational in Ireland and a further pipeline of stations are in planning and development.

Under the Causeway and Green Connect projects, in addition to facilitating the rollout of a network of public CNG refuelling forecourts, we are supporting the delivery of multiple private stations for customers that wish to refuel on their own premises. To achieve this, we will continue to build partnerships with some of Ireland’s most prominent and well-known forecourt operators and haulage companies.

Public CNG stations

Public CNG stations are stations typically located at existing fuel forecourts and are accessible to anyone wishing to refuel a gas-powered vehicle. To establish a new CNG station, a connection to the gas network is required. This is provided by Gas Networks Ireland. The gas connection will typically be a low-pressure connection, however, a high-pressure connection can also be made depending on specific station requirements and location.

Private CNG stations

Private CNG Stations are available for fleet operators and hauliers who want to avail of their own on-site refuelling depots. Private CNG stations allow those who require more control over their refuelling patterns to do so in their own locations. Ideally, private stations should be located in proximity to the current gas network infrastructure. Each private station can be designed to individual customer requirements, with specifications based on a number of factors including, fleet size, volume of gas required and nature of business.

CNG stations in operation

There are currently 8 CNG stations operational in Ireland and there is a pipeline of public and private stations currently moving through various stages of design, planning and construction.

Gas Networks Ireland and Circle K launched Ireland’s first public, fast-fill CNG refuelling station at Circle K’s Dublin Port premises in December 2018. Using fast-fill technology, this state-of-the-art facility has the capacity to fill up to 70 HGVs a day, with each fill taking no more than five minutes, allowing customers to maintain operational patterns similar to that of diesel vehicles. A second public CNG station opened in July 2020 at Circle K’s Cashel premises on the M8 motorway providing fleet operators a fast-fill CNG location along the Cork to Dublin motorway.

In 2021, two additional public CNG stations opened at Ballysimon Road, County Limerick and Clonshaugh, County Dublin in 2021. These strategically placed stations opened new transport corridors for existing CNG customers and supported them to further reduce the impact of their fleets on the environment.

CNG refuelling stations

CNG Refuelling Stations Map

Contact us

Moving to bioCNG today is a cleaner and reliable choice for fleet operators. To learn more or start your journey, please complete our contact form and one of the team will be in touch as soon as possible.

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