Board Decisions

A summary of decisions taken by the Board of Gas Networks Ireland since October 2015 is set out below:

Gas Networks Ireland Board Meeting dated 26 November 2024

The Board approved:

  1. a revised Health and Safety Policy;
  2. the 2025 Budget;
  3. a 2025 Capital Commitments Budget;
  4. a capital budget for a project;
  5. interim capital budgets for new connection projects;
  6. the disposal of lands;
  7. a contract value increase to the Northern Ireland Operations and Maintenance contract;
  8. an interim capital budget for compressor electrification projects;
  9. an interim budget for the Strategic Gas Emergency Reserve project;
  10. a Network and Information Security Policy;
  11. a revised Internal Audit Charter; and
  12. a multi-supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Legal Services.


Gas Networks Ireland Board Meeting dated 26 October 2024

The Board approved:

  1. the change of listing of notes issued under the Euro Medium Term Note programme; and •
  2. the refreshed Work Safe Home Safe strategy


Gas Networks Ireland Board Meeting dated 27 September 2024

The Board approved:

  1. the entry by GNI (UK) Limited into an Amendment and Restatement Agreement to a Transportation Agreement;
  2. an interim capital budget for the Pay As You Go system replacement project;
  3. an extension to an Interim Arrangement Agreement between GNI and GNI (UK) Limited for access to the South North pipeline;
  4. a value change to a multi-party framework for business change and professional services;
  5. the award of a multi-party IT infrastructure and related services framework;
  6. the final Ervia financial statements and Annual Report for the period ending 1st June 2024, the Letter of Representation in respect of the 2024 Ervia final Financial Statements and the report to the Minister in respect of Ervia under section 1.9 of the Business and Financial reporting requirements of the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies;
  7. the interim financial statements for Gas Networks Ireland;
  8. a letter of support to Gas Networks Ireland (IOM) DAC;
  9. a revised Enterprise Risk Management Policy; and
  10. the appointment of a new alternate Director to GNI(UK) Limited.


Gas Networks Ireland Board Meeting dated 15 July 2024

The Board approved:

  1. a revised Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy;
  2. a revised terms of reference for the Audit & Risk Committee;
  3. a capital budget for an energy project;
  4. a value change to the networks services and works contract lot 2-systems operations and ancillary services;
  5. a capital budget for the G16+ industrial and commercial meter replacement programme;
  6. a capital budget for the G10 industrial and commercial meter replacement programme;
  7. a value change to the Brighouse Bay station splitting contract for the Brighouse Bay solar turbine control system upgrade;
  8. An amendment to the multi-party framework for the provision of package boiler units;
  9. an interim capital budget for the Echelon Crag project;
  10. a Connection Agreement for an upgraded electrical connection at the Brighouse Bay compressor station;
  11. a capital budget for the Mitchelstown Central Grid Injection facility;
  12. the mid-year review of the Director’s compliance statement and supporting matrix;
  13. a revised governance framework for Gas Networks Ireland;
  14. a revised Gas Networks Ireland Board Terms of Reference; and
  15. a revised Code of Business Conduct for Board Members, Senior Management and Directors of GNI Subsidiary Companies


Gas Networks Ireland Board Meeting dated 18 June 2024

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. the submission of the GNI Business Plan 2024-2028 to the relevant Ministers and NewERA;
  2. the submission of a written declaration regarding the full ownership unbundling of GNI to the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets;
  3. the terms of reference for the GNI Finance and Investment Committee; and
  4. revised terms of reference for the GNI Safety, Sustainability and People Committee.


Gas Networks Ireland Board Meeting dated 28 May 2024

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. a new bond issuance by Gas Networks Ireland;
  2. a value increase to the framework contract for the provision of pipeline inspection services;
  3. a capital budget for a capacity upgrade project;
  4. an interim capital expenditure budget estimate to advance Gate 2 design and planning activities for a project;
  5. a value increase to a multi-party framework for the provision of engineering services to GNI; the noting of a project closure report;
  6. an interim budget estimate for the Strategic Gas Emergency Reserve Project; and
  7. a pay progression proposal


Gas Networks Ireland Board Meeting dated 23 April 2024

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. the submission of a detailed proposal to the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications for the Strategic Gas Emergency Reserve Project as per Action 17 of the Energy Security Package.


Gas Networks Ireland Board Meeting dated 26 March 2024

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. the declaration and payment of an Annual Dividend ;
  2. a framework for the provision of gas infrastructure insurance brokering services and the placement of gas infrastructure insurance for Gas Networks Ireland and its subsidiaries
  3. the appointment of a new Gas Networks Ireland compliance officer;
  4. the Gas Networks Ireland Directors report, financial statements and letter of representation for the year ended 31st December 2023;
  5. the Gas NetworksIreland regulatory financial statements and letter of representation for the year ended 31st December 2023;
  6. amendments to the Protected Disclosures policy;
  7. cyber security risk management measures;
  8. capital commitments for three transmission connection projects and capital budget for a  further project;
  9. a Governance Framework for the Strategic Gas Emergency Project; and
  10. a revised constitution for Gas Networks Ireland.


Gas Networks Ireland Board Meeting dated 20 February 2024

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. approve the publication of an updated Modern Slavery Agreement for 2023 for Gas Networks Ireland and GNI (UK) Limited;
  2. approve a further extension of Interim Access Arrangements for the Mayo/Galway Telecoms Project.
  3. approve the 2024 Balanced Scorecard



Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 30th January 2024


The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve an Amendment to Corrib Financial Security;  
  2. Approve the Gas Networks Ireland Risk Appetite;  
  3. Note the post project review of the PC 3 polythelene in porches project; and  
  4. Approve the appointment of the Chief Legal Officer as the Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) for Gas Networks Ireland. 



Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 28th November 2023


The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the GNI Health and Safety Policy  
  2. Approve the Gas Networks Ireland budget for 2024;  
  3. Approve the capital commitments budget 2024 for Gas Networks Ireland; 
  4. Approve an extension of the Interim Arrangement Agreement between GNI and GNI(UK) for access to the South North pipeline; 
  5. Approve a revised Expenditure and Contract Approvals Policy (PD03); and  
  6. ​Approve the Governance Framework, Board and Committee Terms of Reference and membership and corporate policies for GNI with effect from the transfer day. 


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 27th October 2023


The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve a capital budget to replace domestic meters; 
  2. Approve the disposal of two sites by open market sale to the highest bidder; 
  3. Approve estimated limits for balancing gas transactions for 2024 and 2025; 
  4. Approve the delegation of authority to any member of the GNI executive to execute a works licence under hand; and  
  5. Approve the recommendation of a revised GNI Constitution for Integration, the cancellation and issue of shares on the Transfer Day specified in the Gas (Amendment) Act and a delegation of authority to effect certain matters in connection with Ervia Integration. 

Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 29th September 2023


The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve an increase in the value of a multi-supplier framework for the provision of IT Services; 
  2. Approve interim Financial Statements; 
  3. Approve an addendum to the letter of engagement with the external auditor;  
  4. Approve a multi-supplier framework for Internal Audit and Risk Services; and 
  5. Approve a revised Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption policy, a revised Internal Audit Charter, and a revised Enterprise Risk Management policy 

Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 25th July 2023

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the capital budget for the lithium battery replacement programme.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 27th June 2023

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the GNI 2022 Regulatory financial statements and Letter of Representation; 
  2. Approve the Aurora Telecom Strategy 2023 – 2027; 
  3. Approve the GNI Sustainability Strategy;  
  4. Approve the submission of the draft Ervia/Gas Networks Ireland 2023-2027 Business Plan to the relevant Ministers and NewERA; 
  5. Approve a Capital Budget and contract award for the Brighouse Bay compressor station splitting project; 
  6. Approve the increase of the value of the multi-supplier framework for the provision of IT infrastructure and related services to GNI; 
  7. Approve the award of the enterprise application management framework; and 
  8. Approve the mid-year review of the Director’s compliance statement and supporting matrix. 


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 30th May 2023

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the Mirror Board protocol; 
  2. Approve a delegation of authority under GNI’s principal financing arrangements; 
  3. Approve the submission of a written declaration on Full Ownership Unbundling to the Office of Gas and Electricity markets for the period 1st July 2022 to 30th June 2023; and  
  4. Approve the construction of pipelines for new connections to the GNI transmission system. 


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 28th March 2023

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve Gas Networks Ireland Dividend payment to Ervia for the financial year ended 31st December 2022;
  2. Approve the Gas Networks Ireland 2022 Letter of Representation; 
  3. Approve the Gas Networks Ireland 2022 Financial Statements; 
  4. Approve the 2022 Gas Networks Ireland Director’s Report; 


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 23rd March 2023

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve non-audit fees for 2023 in compliance with applicable legislative requirements.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 2nd March 2023

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the entry by GNI into a Deed of Amendment to the Corrib Contracts with the Corrib Partners arising from the proposed sale of Equinor’s stake in the Corrib field.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 28th February 2023

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the submission of the 2022 Gas Networks Ireland draft unaudited financial statements to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage;
  2. Approve the 2023 Balanced Scorecard;
  3. Approve the Gate 5 post project review report in relation to the Price Control 3 Industrial/Commercial meter replacement programme;
  4. Approve the Gate 5 post project review report in relation to the Nenagh New Town project;
  5. Approve an amendment to the protected disclosures policy; and
  6. Approve the publication of an updated Modern Slavery Statement.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 30th January 2023

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve increased expenditure for balancing gas transactions for the period to December 2023; and
  2. Approve an amended Constitution of Gas Networks Ireland subject to the approval of the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, with the consent of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 8th December 2022

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve a revised Ervia/GNI Governance Framework;
  2. Approve a revised  Protected Disclosures Policy  for Ervia/GNI;
  3. Approve a submission to the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications  to assert Gas Networks Ireland’s position that a strategic onshore energy storage project is the optimum approach to energy security for Ireland.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 24th November 2022

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the 2023 budget for Gas Networks Ireland.
  2. Approve an amendment of the long stop date in the Interim Arrangements Agreement between GNI and GNI (UK) Limited from 31st December 2022 to 31st December 2023 (or such other date as may be directed by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities);
    1. and the continued application of the interim commercial terms in the Interim Arrangements Agreement in line with the CRU direction (as may be amended) under which GNI will make a commercial payment per tariff year to GNI (UK) Limited;
  3. Approve revised corporate policies for Ervia/Gas Networks Ireland in advance of legal separation;
  4. Approve the separation and novation of the Ervia legal services and the Ervia insurance group financial lines framework agreements and contract values to each of Irish Water and Ervia/Gas Networks Ireland.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 21st October 2022

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the adoption of the NewERA climate action framework for the commercial Semi State sector to address climate action objectives;
  2. Approve a capital commitments budget for Gas Networks Ireland for 2023;
  3. Approve the construction of a pipeline for a new connection to the Gas Networks Ireland transmission system;
  4. Approve the PC3 polyethylene in porches programme Gate 4 project closure report;
  5. Approve an increase to the existing multi-party framework value for the provision of package boiler units to Gas Networks Ireland and GNI (UK) Limited;
  6. Approve an increase to the existing multi-party framework value for the provision of pressure reduction systems to Gas Networks Ireland and GNI (UK) Limited; and
  7. Approve an increase to the value of the GTMS and Delphi support, development and maintenance contract to cover the delivery of services to Gas Networks Ireland and GNI (UK) Limited from 2023 to 2027.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 23rd September 2022

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve an additional statutory audit fee for Ervia/Gas Networks Ireland for each of the financial years 2022 and 2023;
  2. Approve the Price Control 5 resubmission to the CRU;
  3. Approve an expenditure increase for the procurement of shrinkage gas by Gas Networks Ireland for the Republic of Ireland network for calendar year 2022;
  4. Approve the Gate 4 project closure report for the PC3 Industrial and Commercial meter replacement programme; and
  5. Approve the delegation of authority to execute a demand under any Letter of Credit.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 14th September 2022

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the financial proposal underpinning the PC5 Resubmission; and
  2. Approve the 2022/2023 Northern Ireland Network Balancing Gas Agreements and associated contract expenditure limits.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 21st July 2022

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the submission and execution of an annual written declaration regarding the Full Ownership Unbundling of Gas Networks Ireland to OFGEM; and
  2. Approve the extension and separation of the Ervia framework for audit, taxation and related services between Irish Water and Gas Networks Ireland/Ervia.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 24th June 2022

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the Gas Networks Ireland purpose and vision presentation;
  2. Approve the finalisation of the contract of sale concerning the disposal of part of the site of the former gasworks in Waterford;
  3. Approve the finalisation of all documents concerning the renewal of the lease of the former gasworks site in Waterford;
  4. Approve the 2021 GNI Regulatory Financial Statements and Letter of Representation; and
  5. Approve the submission of the draft 2022-2026 Gas Networks Ireland Business Plan to the relevant Ministers and NewERA.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 26th May 2022

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the award of the single party framework for the provision of contact centre services to Gas Networks Ireland;
  2. Approve the construction of steel transmission pipelines for new connections to the to the Gas Networks Ireland transmission system; and
  3. Approve an interim capital budget for the Southern Area Reinforcement project.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 22nd April 2022

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the submission of the draft Gas Networks Ireland strategic plan to the relevant Ministers and NewERA as part of the draft annual rolling five year business and financial plan;
  2. Approve a capital budget increase for the PC4 G16+ meter replacement programme;
  3. Approve the entry into a five-year option agreement for the purchase of a site at Burrencarragh, Co. Cavan; and
  4. Approve the making of a recommendation to the Department of Environment Climate and Communications in relation to gas security of supply.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 28th March 2022

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the declaration and subsequent payment of an annual dividend for the financial year ended 31 December 2021;
  2. Approve the Gas Networks Ireland 2021 Letter of Representation;
  3. Approve the Gas Networks Ireland 2021 financial statements.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 25th March 2022

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the appointment of Corporate Appointees in connection with Authorised Person (Non-Emergency) appointments for Gas Networks Ireland;
  2. Approve the publication of an updated Modern Slavery statement;
  3. Approve increased limits for the 2021/2022 Northern Ireland Balancing Gas Contracts;
  4. Approve the sale of the site of the decommissioned Gormanston AGI;
  5. Approve an extension of interim access arrangements in respect of the Mayo-Galway Telecommunications Project.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 18th February 2022

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the submission of the 2021 Gas Networks Ireland draft unaudited financial statements to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage;
  2. Approve the 2022 Balanced Scorecard;
  3. Approve the 2022 safety Balanced Scorecard;
  4. Approve an increase in the value of the construction contract for the Ballough Bypass project;
  5. Approve the purchase of a site, at Inch Co. Cork;
  6. Approve to award a single supplier framework for the provision of non-energy and financial lines insurance brokering services and premiums on behalf of Ervia / Gas Networks Ireland;
  7. Approve the appointment of Denis O’Sullivan to the Board of Gas Networks Ireland (IOM) DAC; and
  8. Approve an increase to the project budget for the Cluden to Brighouse Bay Pipeline Project.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 21st January 2022

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve an increase in the value and extension of the duration of the framework agreement for the supply of G4/smart ready gas credit meters to Gas Networks Ireland.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 10th December 2021

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve a capital budget and Design and Build contract in respect of the South West Scotland Onshore System Security Upgrades project;
  2. Approve an increase in the value of the Aurora Civils Framework contract;
  3. Approve a capital budget  for the Gasworks Road building upgrade project;
  4. Approve the transfer of 18A South Lotts Road from Ervia to Gas Networks Ireland;
  5. Approval of the appointment of a Gas Networks Ireland (IOM) DAC director;
  6. Approve the revised constitution of Gas Networks Ireland and the delegation of authority to execute special resolution; and
  7. Approve amendments to the Ervia Group Expenditure and Contract Approval Policy, the Ervia Treasury Policy  and the Ervia Governance Framework.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 26th November 2021

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the Budget for 2022.
  2. Confirm that it reviewed the Risk Management Framework in place within Gas Networks Ireland for 2021 and set the Risk Appetite for 2021.
  3. Approve the revised Enterprise Risk Management Policy.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 1st November 2021

The following decisions were taken by the Board:
  1. Approve the price control submission for the PC5 period to the Commission for Regulation of Utilities.
  2. Approve the Haynestown arrangements – long stop date extension.
  3. Approve the Nenagh Multi Utility Gate 4 Project report.
  4. Approve a revised constitution of Gas Networks Ireland.

Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 23rd September 2021

The following decisions were taken by the Board:
  1. Approve multi supplier framework agreements for the provision of telecommunication services to Gas Networks Ireland.
  2. Approve capital commitments budget for Gas Networks Ireland for 2022.
  3. Approve to construct a pipeline to connect a customer to the Gas Networks Ireland transmission system.
  4. Approve an increased budget for shrinkage gas buys for calendar year 2021.
  5. Approve and consent to enter into a revolving credit facility agreement. 


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 26 July 2021

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve an increase to the framework for the provision of IT application support and development services.
  2. Approve the award of a multi-party framework for the provision of engineering design services to GNI (UK) Limited.
  3. Approve a variation to the Beattock compressor station upgrades construction contract for the Brighouse Bay turbine control system upgrade project.
  4. Approve the Nenagh multi utility gate 4 project report.
  5. Approve the submission of an annual full ownership unbundling declaration to the office of gas and electricity markets (OFGEM).
  6. Approve a new transportation agreement between Premier Transmission Limited and GNI (UK) Limited. • Approve a revised constitution for Gas Networks Ireland.
  7. Approve a combination of the GNI CEO and Chairman role.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 24 June 2021

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve an extension to the  Term of Appointment of the  External Auditor;
  2. Approve the GNI (UK) Limited GT22 Price Control Submission to the Utility Regulator;
  3. Approve the Beattock Turbine Ancillary Asset Upgrade Gate 5 project report; 
  4. Approve the Listowel New Town Gate 5 project report.

Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 24 May 2021

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the submission of draft 2021-2025 Gas Networks Ireland Business Plan to relevant Ministers and NewERA; 
  2. Approve the award of the multi-party framework for the provision of insurance broking services for an Owner Controlled Insurance Programme to Gas Networks Ireland;
  3. Approve the amendment and assigning of Ervia Frameworks and Contracts to Gas Networks Ireland;
  4. Approve a budget increase for balancing Gas Buy transactions for the period to December 2023; 
  5. Approve the Gas Networks Ireland 2020 Regulatory Financial Statements;
  6. Approve options in relation to Foley Street property;



Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 26 April 2021

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve modifications to Inter-TSO agreements concerning operations at Moffat and Twynholm; 
  2. Approve the Limerick Optimisation Project Gate 4 report; 
  3. Approve the Limerick Gasworks Remediation Site Gate 4 report. 



Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 29 March 2021

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the Gas Networks Ireland dividend payment for the financial year ended 31st December 2019; 
  2. Approve the Gas Networks Ireland 2020 Letter of Representation; 
  3. Approve the Gas Networks Ireland 2020 Financial Statements.



Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 26 March 2021

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve a multi-supplier Renewable Gas Injection Facilities Framework agreement; 
  2. Approve the publication of an updated Modern Slavery Statement;
  3. Approve the appointment of Ervia CEO or his nominee as Corporate Representative;
  4. Approve the execution of a pipeline crossing agreement between Gas Networks Ireland and the Havhingsten Cable system co-owners.



Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 18 February 2021

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the re-negotiation of a lease break date for the Gas Networks Ireland office, Unit 6 Newtown Centre, Annacotty, Limerick; 
  2. Approve a value increase of the framework for the provision of Gas Infrastructure Insurance brokering services; 
  3. Approve the award of multi-party framework for the provision of engineering services to Gas Networks Ireland; 
  4. Approve the draft 2020 unaudited Financial Statements; 
  5. Approve the updated group Treasury Policy.



Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 25 January 2021

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the award of Network Services and Works Contract – Lot 2 Systems Operations and Ancillary services; 
  2. Note the GNI 2020 Network Development Plan;
  3. Note the update on GT22 (NI) and PC5 (RoI) Price Controls; 
  4. Approve the GNI Sustainability and Biodiversity Strategy;
  5. Approve the disposal of a site at Funshog, Co. Louth.



Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 7 December 2020

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve updates to the Financial Authorisation and Contract Approvals Policy;
  2. Approve amendments to matters reserved to the Board and revised Governance Framework;
  3. Approve Gas Networks Ireland Project Finance Redemption documents;  
  4. Approve the award of a framework agreement for the provision of public relations and public affairs support; 
  5. A strategy for GNI (UK) Limited (Northern Ireland activities);
  6. Approve the award of contracts for Networks Services Works Contract - Lot 1 – polyethylene and Metering Services;
  7. Approve value increase to the multi-party framework for the provision of engineering services to Gas Networks Ireland for the Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage project and power station connections;
  8. Approve the post project review of the PC3 Meter Replacement Programme;
  9. Approve a capital budget increase for the Limerick Gasworks Remediation Project.



Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 23 November 2020

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the submission of the 2019 draft valuation to NewERA for their consideration;
  2. Approve a capital budget for the procurement of shrinkage gas for the calendar year 2021;
  3. Approve a budget for balancing gas sales and balancing gas buys for the three year period from December 2020 to December 2023 (inclusive);
  4. Approve a capital commitments budget for Gas Networks Ireland for 2021.
  5. Approve the Gate 4 post project review report for Beattock turbine ancillary equipment upgrades project;
  6. Approve the acceptance of a grant offer from the EU Connecting Europe Facility, and the entry into the grant agreement for the pre-FEED study for the Cork CCUS Project;
  7. Approve the 2021 budget for Gas Networks Ireland;
  8. Approve the letters of engagement in respect of the audit of Gas Networks Ireland’s Statutory Financial Statements and Regulatory Financial Statements.




Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 19 October 2020

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve a revised Ervia Enterprise Risk Management policy;
  2. Approve the 2020 Ervia Risk Appetite.




Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 28 September 2020

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the award of a framework agreement for the provision of PR and public affairs support to GNI (UK) Limited in Northern Ireland;
  2. Approve the extension of arrangements in respect of the Mayo-Galway Telecommunications Project.




Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 27 July 2020

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the disposal of a Gas Networks Ireland site in Mullaghash, Ardee, Co. Louth;
  2. Approve the award by GNI (UK) Limited of a contract for the design and build of seven turbine air intake structures;
  3. Approve a capital budget for the AGI security programme;
  4. Approve the award of a contract by GNI (UK) Limited for the provision of turbine maintenance, overhaul and upgrade services.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 29 June 2020

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the submission of the draft 2020-2024 Gas Networks Ireland business plans to the relevant Ministers and to NewERA;
  2. Approve the 2019 Gas Networks Ireland regulatory financial statements and Letter of Representation;
  3. Approve the registration of Gas Networks Ireland as a foreign company in the Isle of Man.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 25 May 2020

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the purchase by Gas Networks Ireland of its future shrinkage gas requirements via the Marex Spectron Trading Platform;
  2. Approve a capital budget for the Beattock Compressor Station upgrade project;
  3. Approve the award of the frameworks for the provision of Advertising Services and Media Planning and Buying services.



Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 27 April 2020

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the of extension of the appointment of Edwina Nyhan as a Director of Gaslink Independent System Operator DAC.
  2. Approve the filing of the final revised constitution for Gaslink Independent System Operator DAC, including the change of name to Network Services Transition DAC.
  3. Approve a contract amendment and value increase to the multi-party framework for the provision of engineering services to GNI (UK) Limited.
  4. Approve the completion and execution of a Use of System Agreement between Gas Networks Ireland and GNI (UK) Limited for access by Gas Networks Ireland to the South North Pipeline.
  5. Approve the award of a single supplier framework for the provision of electricity supply to the Ervia group.



Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 30 March 2020

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the Letter of Representation in respect of the Gas Networks Ireland 2019 financial statements.
  2. Approve the Gas Networks Ireland financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2019.
  3. Approve the payment of an annual dividend for the financial year ended 31 December 2019.



Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 26 March 2020

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve an extension and increase to the value of the CNG fast fill station framework agreements.
  2. Approve the award of a single party framework agreement for the provision of sales and associated services to Gas Networks Ireland and Aurora, and an increase to the value of the existing framework agreement to enable the continued provision of services via a call-off contract until service transition.
  3. Approve the publication of an updated Modern Slavery Statement.



Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 24 February 2020

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve an increase to the value of the existing framework for the provision of Contact Centre services to Gas Networks Ireland.
  2. Approve a capital budget for the PC4 G16+ industrial and commercial meter replacement programme.
  3. Approve additional capital expenditure for the Limerick optimisation project.
  4. Approve the submission of the 2019 Gas Networks Ireland unaudited financial statements to the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 27 January 2020

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the award of a single-supplier framework for the provision of manned guarding and related services to Gasworks Ireland Limited.
  2. Approve the Gate 4 for Center Parcs Project paper.
  3. Approve the submission of an application to Ofgem for Gas Networks Ireland to be ‘Fully Ownership Unbundled’ certified in the UK.


Written Resolutions of Directors of Gas Networks Ireland dated 6 December 2019

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the Gate 4 –PC3 Meter Replacement Programme.
  2. Approve  the award of a multi supplier panel for the provision of legal services.
  3. Note an update on arrangements/structures for directors’ Compliance Policy Statement in accordance with the Companies Act 2014.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 25 November 2019

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the award of construction contract and a capital budget for the Ballough Bypass project.
  2. Approve a capital commitments budget for Gas Networks Ireland for 2020.
  3. Approve the 2020 budget for Gas Networks Ireland.
  4. Approve a letter of engagement in respect of its audit of Gas Networks Ireland’s statutory and regulatory financial statements.
  5. Approve the revised Ervia Enterprise Risk Management policy.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 22 November 2019

The following actions were taken by the Board:

  1. Note the financial highlights as presented in the management accounts for the period 1 January 2019 to 30 September 2019 and for the comparative income statement for the period 1 January 2018 to 30 September 2018.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 18 October 2019

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the submission to NewERA of a draft 2018 Valuation of Gas Networks Ireland.
  2. Approve the entry by Gas Networks Ireland into a facility agreement with Danske Banks A/S to fund its ‘Green Connect’ investment project.
  3. Approve a contract variation and value increase to the Multi-Party Framework for the Provision of Engineering Services to Gas Networks Ireland.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 23 September 2019

The following decision was taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the award of a single party framework contract for the provision of Gas Networks Ireland pipeline inspection services.


Written Resolutions of Directors of Gas Networks Ireland dated 29 August 2019

The following decision was taken by the Board:

  1. The execution of a Pipeline Crossing Agreement.


Written Resolutions of Directors of Gas Networks Ireland dated 2 August 2019

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the entry by Gas Networks Ireland into a contract relating to the single party framework for the provision of service desk and deskside support services.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 26 July 2019

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the update of a Euro Medium Term Note Programme by Gas Networks Ireland and subsequent note issuances thereunder.
  2. Approve the award of a single supplier framework agreement for the provision of telecommunication civils work to Aurora.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 21 June 2019

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the sale of turbine and turbine ancillary assets at Midleton compressor station.
  2. Approve the 2018 Gas Networks Ireland Regulatory financial statements, letter of representation and letter of engagement.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 27 May 2019

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the award of a Shrinkage Gas contract.
  2. Approve both the CNG Business Plan and the Green Connect Business Case.
  3. Approve the submission of the draft Business Plan Gas Networks Ireland for the period 2019-2024 to the relevant Ministers and to NewERA.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 26 April 2019

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve a capital budget for phase 2 of the domestic meter replacement programme and an overall budget for the programme to replace circa. 100,000 gas meters.
  2. Approve an increase in the construction contract value for the Gas to Listowel Project.
  3. Approve the appointment of Brian Mullins, Head of Regulatory Affairs Gas networks Ireland (GNI) as Compliance Officer for GNI.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 25 March 2019

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the Sustainability Report, including the non-financial reporting requirements, for Gas Networks Ireland for year ended 31st December 2018.
  2. Approve the Gas Networks Ireland Financial Statements and associated Letter of Representation in respect of the year ended 31st December 2018.
  3. Approve the payment of a dividend of €54.404m to Ervia for the financial year ended 31st December 2018.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 22 March 2019

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve extension arrangements in relation to the Mayo/Galway Telecommunications Project.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 22 February 2019

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the submission of the 2018 Gas Networks Ireland unaudited, unapproved and abridged financial statements to the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 1 February 2019

The following actions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the appointment of an external auditor for Gas Networks Ireland for the three financial years 2019, 2020 and 2021.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 28 January 2019

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the construction of the Laughanstown pipeline by Gas Networks Ireland to facilitate the connection of a new AGI at Laughanstown, County Dublin to the existing transmission network.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 10th December 2018

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve a letter of engagement in respect of the audit of Gas Networks Ireland’s Statutory Financial Statements for the financial year 2018.
  2. Approve a variation to the South West Scotland Operations and Maintenance contract.
  3. Approve an amendment of the tripartite agreement in relation to arrangements at the interconnection point at Moffat between Gas Networks Ireland, GNI (UK) Limited and National Grid Gas plc.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland ("Company") dated 26th November 2018

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the Compressed Natural Gas and renewable gas in transport strategies.
  2. Approve the budget for 2019 for the Company.
  3. Approve the entry by the Company into a finance contract with the European Investment Bank.
  4. Approve a capital commitments budget for the Company for 2019.
  5. Approve the award of the South West Scotland Operations and Maintenance contract.
  6. Approve an increase in the value of the Gas Shrinkage Contract.
  7. Approve a revised constitution for Gaslink Independent System Operator Designated Activity Company.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 8th November 2018

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the construction of a pipeline to connect a biogas injection facility at Cush, Co. Kildare to the Gas Networks Ireland distribution system.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 22nd October 2018

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve an increase in the value for spend on balancing buy gas services.
  2. Approve an application to Ofgem for a gas interconnector licence in respect of Gas Networks Ireland interconnectors within the UK Continental Shelf.   
  3. Approve a contract variation to the Northern Ireland Operations and Maintenance contract.
  4. Approve revised Articles of Association for GNI (UK) Limited.
  5. Approve a proposal relating to the development and introduction of biogas into the gas network and the commencement of related preliminary activities.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 21st September 2018

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve an increase in value of the GNI (UK) Limited multiparty engineering services framework contract.
  2. Approve a multi supplier framework for the supply of polyethylene pipe to Ervia.
  3. Approve the submission of an equity valuation of GNI as at 31st December 2017 to NewERA.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 27 July 2018

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the appointment of two Authorised Officers.
  2. Approve the Regulatory Financial Statements for Gas Networks Ireland for year ended 31 December 2017 and the associated letter of representation.  


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 25 June 2018

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the appointment of Mr. Andrew McCrea Director to the Board of GNI (UK) Limited.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 31 May 2018

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approved a settlement and additional expenditure on the Cluden to Brighouse Bay Pipeline Project.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 24 May 2018

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approved the award of the Northern Ireland Operations and Maintenance Service Contract.
  2. Approved proposed changes to ENTSOG and GIE representatives.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 21 May 2018

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approved an increase in expenditure on the Cluden to Brighouse Bay Gas Pipeline Project.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 20 April 2018

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

     1. Approve a capital budget for the Phase 1 Project regarding the construction of a pipeline from Athlone, Co. Westmeath to a new Center Parcs resort in Ballymahon.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 28 March 2018

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

      1. Approve the company’s entering  into arrangements in respect of the Mayo-Galway Telecommunications Project.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 26 March 2018

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the Gas Networks Ireland financial statements for the year ended 31st December 2017 and the associated letter of representation.
  2. Approve an addendum to the auditor’s letter of engagement.
  3. Approve the payment of an annual dividend for the financial year ended 31st December 2017.
  4. Approve the use of a standard Trading Platform Transactions Agreement as the contract under which Gas Networks Ireland will undertake such trading platform transactions with Gas shippers.
  5. Approve the entry by Gas Networks Ireland into a Deed of Transfer in respect of two compressed natural gas dispensers.
  6. Approve the appointment of the interim Gas Networks Ireland Managing Director as a Director of GNI (UK) Limited.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 26 February 2018

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the submission of the 2017 GNI draft unaudited, unapproved and abridged financial statements to the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government.
  2. Approve a variation to the existing polyethylene pipe and fittings Framework Agreement.
  3. Approve the award of a balancing sell gas contract.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 29 January 2018

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve the entry by GNI into a €200M loan facility with the European Investment Bank.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 11 December 2017

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approve a capital commitments budget for Gas Networks Ireland for 2018.
  2. Approve the appointment of a Director to the Gaslink Board.
  3. Approve the entry by Gas Networks Ireland into a fax indemnity with Allied Irish Banks plc.
  4. Approve the 2016 Regulatory Financial Statements, Letter of Representation and Letter of Engagement.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 27 November 2017
The following decisions were taken by the Board:
  1. Approve the 2018 Budget for Gas Networks Ireland.
  2. Approve the award of a Shrinkage Gas contract to Gazprom for the calendar year 2018, with the option to extend for a further six months.
  3. Approve the appointment of a Compliance Officer for Gas Networks Ireland in accordance with the provisions of licenses issued by the CRU. 


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 23rd October 2017 

The following decisions were taken by the Board: 

  1. Approving the entry by GNI into amended and restated facility agreements with GNI (UK) Limited relating to certain intercompany facility agreements relating to various projects. 
  2. Approving the payment of stamp duty to HMRC, associated with the purchase by GNI of a property situate in Co. Antrim. 


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 25th September 2017

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approving the submission of the draft GNI valuation to NewERA for consideration.
  2. Approving the submission of unaudited semi -annual Financial Statements to GNI’s lenders.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 15th September 2017

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approving the submission of the draft Gas Networks Ireland Business Plan 2017 – 2022 to the relevant Ministers and NewERA.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 30th August 2017

The following decisions were taken by the Board:


  1. Approving the acquisition by Gas Networks Ireland of the remaining sections of the site of the former gasworks in Limerick currently owned by Ervia; and
  2. Approving the adoption of Ervia’s revised Enterprise Risk Management Policy.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 24th July, 2017

The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approving the appointment of GNI personnel as representatives of GNI in Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE);
  2. Approving amendments to GIE’s Articles of Association;
  3. Approving the appointment of a Gas Emergency Officer pursuant to the Electricity Regulation Act 1999.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 23rd June 2017
The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approving the 2016 Financial Statements.
  2. Approving the 2016 Letter of Representation in respect of the 2016 Financial Statements.
  3. Approving the payment of a dividend of €48.44m for the financial year ended 31 December 2016 to Ervia.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 29th May 2017
The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approving a Capital Commitments Budget for Gas Networks Ireland of €186m for 2017.
  2. Approving the disposal of property at 8C Boltnaconnell Road, Nutts Corner, Antrim, Northern Ireland.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 26th April 2017
The following decisions / actions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approving the award of a Construction Contract for the Gas to Listowel Project to Murphy International Ltd./GMC Utilities Group Ltd. Joint Venture.
  2. Approving an extension to the term and other features of the GNI (UK) Limited Maintenance Contract with Scotland Gas Networks for the South West Scotland Onshore Systems.
  3. Approving an extension to the term and other features of the GNI (UK) Limited Maintenance Contract with Scotland Gas Networks for the transmission network in Northern Ireland.


Board Meeting of Gas Networks Ireland dated 27th March 2017
The following decisions / actions were taken by the Board:

  1. (A.) Approving the award of a contract to RKH Specialty Insurance Brokers for the provision of gas infrastructure insurance brokering services to Gas Networks Ireland and its subsidiaries;
    (B.) Approving an insurance premium budget for the placement of GNI gas infrastructure insurance for a four year period up to May 2021.
  2. Approving the appointment of an authorised officer for Revenue Protection.


Resolutions passed 20th February 2017
The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approving additional capital budget for the delivery of the gas and water works to the Wexford Project.
  2. Approving variation to the existing Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings Framework Agreement.

Resolutions passed 12th December 2016
The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approving capital budget for the construction of a fibre optic network by Aurora Telecom between Cork and Dublin.
  2. Approving the payment of an annual ordinary dividend for the financial year ended 31st December 2015.


Resolutions passed 26th October 2016
The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approving the award of a Shrinkage Gas Contract for the calendar year 2017.
  2. Approving a capital budget to deliver the Gas to Listowel project.
  3. Approving the award of a framework agreement for the supply of smart ready gas credit meters.
  4. Approving marketing expenditure.
  5. Approving the submission by GNI (UK) Limited of a supplementary revenue control submission to the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation as outlined.


Resolution passed 6th October 2016
The following decision was taken by the Board:

  1. Approving the creation and establishment of a Euro Medium Term Note programme under which the company may issue senior unsecured notes.


Board Meeting dated 26th September 2016
The following decision was taken by the Board:

  1. Approving a Euro Medium Term Note programme for Gas Networks Ireland and approving note issuances and redemptions.

Board Meeting dated 26th August 2016
The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. (A.) Approving the form of the Directors Compliance Policy Statement in accordance with section 225 of the Companies Act 2014 (“the Act”) to be included in the Director’s report for 2016.
    (B.) Agreeing to review and assess the Compliance Policy Statement and Compliance Policy Statement Matrix later in the year in compliance with the Act. 
  2. Approving the adherence of GNI as an associated employer to the Ervia Defined Contribution Scheme.
  3. Approving the appointments of GNI representatives within the European Network of  Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG).



Resolutions passed 26th July 2016
The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approving a variation to the existing Maintenance Contract for the South West Scotland Onshore Systems with Scotland Gas Networks.
  2. Approving the entry into an anchor load connection agreement.
  3. Approving the revised GNI Financial Plan (2016 to 2021).
  4. Approving the conversion of Gas Networks Ireland from an existing private company limited by shares to a “Designated Activity Company”.
  5. Approving the submission by GNI (UK) Limited of its Revenue Control submission to the Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation.
  6. Approving the award of a Construction Contract for the Cluden to Brighouse Bay Pipeline.


Resolution passed 8th July 2016
The following decision was taken by the Board:

  1. Approving the Director’s Report and Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2015.


Board Meeting dated 27th June 2016
The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Considering and approving the appointment of a Compliance Officer for the Company.
  2. Deferring the approval of the SWOS Construction Contract pending certain clarifications.
  3. Evaluating going concern considerations in relation to the Company’s financial statements.
  4. Approving a capital budget to deliver gas works for the Wexford town project.
  5. Approving the 2015 Financial Statements and delegating authority to the Chairman and the Company’s Managing Director to sign the 2015 Financial Statements for and on behalf of the Board.
  6. Approving the Letter of Representation and delegating authority to the Chairman and the Company’s Managing Director to sign the Letter of Representation for and on behalf of the Board.
  7. Approving the appointment of an Authorised Officer for Revenue Protection.
  8. Ratifying the execution of a Deed of Variation on 31 March 2016 to the Installation Deed dated 4 December 2015 made between the Minister for Communications Energy and Natural Resources, the Company, Shell E&P Ireland Limited and Roadbridge Limited.
  9. Considering the following: (i) the External Auditors Report on the Company’s 2015 audit and related financial statements; (ii) the Code of Practice for Governance of State Bodies Compliance Reports prepared by the Chairperson and the Managing Director of the Company; (iii) a Report on the Company’s Tax Compliance; and (iv) a Report on Compliance with Licence conditions.


Board Meeting dated 15th April 2016
The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Considering the Company Safety Performance Metrics and the significant incidents reported for Q1.
  2. Considering updates on (i) investigations into significant historic incidents; (ii) the National Safety Committee; and (iii) the National Safety Statement.
  3. Considering and approving, pursuant to section 91 of the Electricity Regulation Act 1999 (as amended), the appointment of six named individuals as Gas Emergency Officers and delegating authority to the Managing Director of the Company to revoke any appointment at his absolute discretion.


Board Meeting dated 15th March 2016
The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approving the entry by the Company into a Deed of Variation to the Cable Agreement and such Dark Fibre Licence Agreements and Interim Agreements as considered necessary, in respect of the Mayo-Galway Telecommunications Project.


Board Meeting dated 2nd December 2015
The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Considering safety performance metrics presented up to the end of Q3 2015.
  2. Review of significant incidents reported within Q3 2015.
  3. Review of information update on investigations of historic incidents.
  4. Approving the procedure for incident reporting to the Ervia Board.
  5. Review of a recent High Court case.

Board Meeting dated 22nd February 2016
The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Considering and approving the entry by the Company into a Facilities Letter with Allied Irish Banks p.l.c. in respect of the Company’s working capital. 
  2. Approving an intercompany loan between the Company and GNI (UK) Limited in connection with the development and construction of a second pipeline between Cluden and Brighouse Bay compressor station.
  3. Approving the provision of an indemnity in respect of the Limerick Gas Works Remediation Project.
  4. Authorising the Company to negotiate, finalize and execute a letter of engagement in respect of the Company’s financial audit.
  5. Authorising the Company to negotiate and finalize the Lease Agreements, and any ancillary agreements as considered necessary, in respect of Units 6 & 7 Newtown Centre, Annacotty, Limerick.


Board Meeting dated 27th November 2015
The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Approving the entry by Gas Networks Ireland into the Cable Agreement and the Installation Agreement in respect of the Mayo-Galway Telecommunications Project.


Board Meeting dated 1st September 2015
The following decisions were taken by the Board:

  1. Considering occupational safety metrics and trends presented up to the end of July 2015. 
  2. Review of significant incidents reported within the period April 2015 to July 2015. 
  3. Review of information update on investigations of historic incidents.
  4. Review of key safety objectives/initiatives.
  5. Approving the Networks Safety Policy for alignment with the Ervia Group-wide Safety Policy (PD/76). 
  6. Approving the development of an Ervia-wide health and safety strategy/framework to be driven by each of the businesses collectively. Approved branding for the strategy.